We have all heard the expression "Only the strong will survive and the weak will die" It's a part of life. And don't think I am trying to scare you, Right now, I'm just trying to advise you to do something that will in the long-run help you in many ways. No matter what happens in the world; rather its a disaster that cuts you off from the rest of the world, Or if the nation goes into entire anarchy & you need to fend for yourself and for what you own. The many things that could happen may vary. Now, to the point of this Blog post. To survive you always need to learn new skills, for example; Basic Medical Skills, How to properly handle weapons , Learn to trade through a barter system. Basically, you need to learn everything you can, because it all can be useful. If you decide to work inside of a community. make sure they understand and respect their's and each-others responsibilities. If you're good at repairing things, then repair stuff and learn more about it. If you're a maker & can modify junk and turn it into something useful, Then learn how to convert junk into water purification system. If you're a doctor. Learn how to preform as many tasks as you can. If you have absolutely believe you have no useful skills to yourself or to society, then try to learn new ones. Here is a list of things you'll need if you are ever put in Survival mode.
  • Ammunition
  • Medical Supplies
  • Consumables
  • Self-Defense
  • Shelter
  • Warm clothing
  • A community
  • Extra Gasoline
  • Personal Hygiene Items
  • Communications Equipment (Radio, Ham Radio, Receiver, Microphone, etc.)

Throughout the history of the world, when humans unitize from many people struggling to coming together to form one. They have always been able to survive better than others. The bad things i see with people making communities is that. By this time, America -- or even the whole world, is divided up into many groups or city-states & most communities will eventually become corrupt. As in history, they may become very religious and kill non-believers or enslave them. Or they will have a dictator leader that ruins the entire community creating more corruption. What I will prefer to do is stay at home and protect what is mine, but I strongly believe in having communities. One day you may no longer be able to read this blog post, due to Government Censorship, Taxation of the internet, or simply we have a economic collapse and computers and phones no longer work.

We have all heard the expression "Only the strong will survive and the weak will die" It's a part of life. And don't think I am trying to scare you, Right now, I'm just trying to advise you to do something that will in the long-run help you in many ways. No matter what happens in the world; rather its a disaster that cuts you off from the rest of the world, Or if the nation goes into entire anarchy & you need to fend for yourself and for what you own. The many things that could happen may vary. Now, to the point of this Blog post. To survive you always need to learn new skills, for example; Basic Medical Skills, How to properly handle weapons , Learn to trade through a barter system. Basically, you need to learn everything you can, because it all can be useful. If you decide to work inside of a community. make sure they understand and respect their's and each-others responsibilities. If you're good at repairing things, then repair stuff and learn more about it. If you're a maker & can modify junk and turn it into something useful, Then learn how to convert junk into water purification system. If you're a doctor. Learn how to preform as many tasks as you can. If you have absolutely believe you have no useful skills to yourself or to society, then try to learn new ones. Here is a list of things you'll need if you are ever put in Survival mode.
  • Ammunition
  • Medical Supplies
  • Consumables
  • Self-Defense
  • Shelter
  • Warm clothing
  • A community
  • Extra Gasoline
  • Personal Hygiene Items
  • Communications Equipment (Radio, Ham Radio, Receiver, Microphone, etc.)

Throughout the history of the world, when humans unitize from many people struggling to coming together to form one. They have always been able to survive better than others. The bad things i see with people making communities is that. By this time, America -- or even the whole world, is divided up into many groups or city-states & most communities will eventually become corrupt. As in history, they may become very religious and kill non-believers or enslave them. Or they will have a dictator leader that ruins the entire community creating more corruption. What I will prefer to do is stay at home and protect what is mine, but I strongly believe in having communities. One day you may no longer be able to read this blog post, due to Government Censorship, Taxation of the internet, or simply we have a economic collapse and computers and phones no longer work.

"Organized Survival"
This is a term I made up. To me, this involves a connect society and communication with everyone. Everyone in your community knows their job (Example:) Dr. Sawbones is the main doctor and teaches others in the community the basics of first aid and fixes peoples injuries to the best of his ability with-in the community, but he needs supplies, so you need scavengers to find supplies from abandoned pharmacies & Malls. And you need people to cook the food, but in-order to have food you need people to find wood, and in order to have food you need people farming/raising livestock, and someone who is skilled in cutting and preparing the food for cooking. Everyone has a job, rather its patrolling the surrounding area & protecting people within the community, or if it's a repairman who fixes junk and makes it useful for others. Unless your dead, you're working toward the progress of the community and everyone depends on you and each-other.

"Family Reunion"
Some people will not form a community, but get some close-by family and they all move in together and live together. If you're a person who says "I'm going to stay home and protect me and mine. I could care less what others do" is understandable. But there is many problems with that. One of the problems is, some of the male members of the family may get "desperate". And it is usually a small group of people within the "family HQ". But it could work if the family stayed organized and communicate with each other. Just look at some Amish communities today. The whole family and the "Organized Survival" all works between them.

Good luck out there if anything is to happen where we depend on ourselves and others among us. Take Care -- 

Signing Out, Jake Stylez

Photo Credit|For non-commercial & non-profit use. Photo belongs to the Fallout Series Community

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    May 2013


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